Lifetime Memberships
Donation for Membership
Lifetime Membership
A Lifetime Membership with The 100 Club of Central Texas is a statement to our first responders that you are always there for them when they are in need. With your $1,000 donation, you will receive decals to proudly showcase your support of The 100 Club of Central Texas and a custom YETI tumbler. Lifetime Memberships never expire and you can request new decals at any time.
Your Lifetime Membership can be paid in installments. Decals and the YETI will be sent when the final payment is received.
Impact of Your Contributions
Explore the significant impact of The Club thanks to the donations we receive.
Families Served
Funds provided directly to families

Join Our Mission
Your contribution can make a real difference. Help us continue our support for first responders by joining The Club. You will be one of the first to be notified when our support is needed by a first responder family.