First Responder Resources
Line of Duty Death Assistance
The 100 Club of Central Texas provides immediate financial assistance to the families of first responders when there has been a line of duty death. These families receive an initial check to take care of any pressing needs. Our goal is to allow the family to focus on grieving and healing in their own time rather than the monetary pressures of daily life. We stay in touch with those families as the years pass to ensure their needs continue to be met – both financially and emotionally.
We rely on our relationships with the departments to stay informed of the well-being of our first responders. If a loved one has been killed in the line of duty, please contact the office as soon as possible.
Line of Duty Injury Assistance
The 100 Club of Central Texas provides immediate financial assistance to first responders who have been critically injured in the line of duty. These local heroes receive an initial check to take care of any pressing needs. Our goal is to allow the first responder and their family to focus on healing and recovery rather than the monetary pressures of daily life. We stay in touch with those families as the years pass to ensure their needs continue to be met – both financially and emotionally.
We rely on our relationships with the departments to stay informed of the well-being of our first responders. If you or a loved one has been critically injured in the line of duty, please contact the office as soon as possible.

The Club reaches out to the department head or their designee to learn more about the incident.

Officials determine if the incident occurred in the line of duty.

The Club presents an initial check to the family and provides contact information for future needs.

The Club keeps in touch with all of our families, touching base on holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries.

Any additional assistance to our first responder families is approved by the Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis.
The First Responder Scholarship Program, founded by 100 Club co-founder Dr. James Moritz, grants $2,500.00 to up to six (6) first responders each year.
The William (Bill) Orr Memorial Scholarship for First Responders, presented by G T Distributors and the Orr Family, grants $5,000.00 to one (1) first responder each year.
Service Animal Memorial Program
The purpose of the Service Animal Memorial Program is to provide honorable memorial services for the animals who have served in our first responder departments. The Club will coordinate either a granite marker or a memorial plaque, depending on the preference of the department and the animal’s partner/handler. This support is available to all of our four-legged first responders who pass away during or after active service to our communities.
Outstanding First Responder Awards
Each spring, The 100 Club of Central Texas hosts an Awards Ceremony honoring outstanding first responders across Central Texas. These first responders have been nominated by their departments and are judged by a panel of first responders and community leaders.