Outstanding First Responder Awards Nomination
The 100 Club of Central Texas honors area first responders for exemplary acts of duty, having been nominated by their departments and judged by a panel of first responders and community leaders, at the Annual Awards Ceremony.
due date
All nominations for the 2025 ceremony are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, February 28, 2025.
Questions regarding nominations may be directed to Eleysa Richards:
512-345-3200 | eleysa@100clubcentex.com
awards categories
Outstanding Administrative Technician
- Provides exemplary assistance to field personnel
- Creates systems or processes to simplify office work
- Provides a product or attitude that the department finds invaluable
Outstanding Emergency Communications Operator
- 911 Operator or Dispatcher who goes beyond the call of duty to protect the lives of first responders and/or the public
Outstanding Emergency Medical Technician/Firefighter/K9/Law Enforcement Officer
- Went above and beyond the call of duty in a particular incident
- Showed exemplary bravery or skill
One award will be given in each category
Outstanding Team
- Demonstrated ability to work seamlessly as a team
- Outstanding group work ethic, including the ability to protect public and each other
- Went above and beyond the call of duty in a particular incident
Lifetime Achievement
- Additional community service or contributions to the department throughout career
- Going beyond the job description or call of duty to streamline processes, assist the public, etc.
Nominee may be retired or active duty